Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Days off and Distractions

I love Tuesdays a lot because they are my day off, and everyone loves a good day off.  Brady got off work this morning around 7:30 (it's his two weeks on the grave yard shift) showered, and went straight to sleep. That means I have the whole house to myself...Uh ooh.... :)  I would definitely say that I got quite a bit done today! The house is clean, laundry is done, we have milk in the house- which is a blessing because milk goes faster that water in my house- updated the blog, and fed the puppy. Kyra hasn't even chewed any of my shoes in a couple of days which is a huge improvement! I would say that she has gotten better at the whole biting/ mouthing issues, but I would be lying. Hopefully she grows out of that soon. The house is quiet which is a perfect time to take a nap. Well that's what I thought initially. As I laid down next to my sweet husband, I couldn't help but just want to look at him since I wasn't tired anymore. He looked so peaceful as his exhausted body rests. He works so hard for our little family. I looked over his soft face: all those freckles on his tan skin, and those long eyelashes that I hope our future daughter will inherit. His  dark, curly hair all over the place. I can smell the salt and minerals stuck to his skin from the salt plant that now lingers permanently on his side of the bed. When we first got married ( almost 9 months ago!) I couldn't stand that smell! But now, I have grown attached to it. It reminds me of the first months we were married in our little apartment with the whole world ahead of us, and the newness of married life and how much fun we had. Funny how things change so quickly, but don't all at the same time. We still have the whole world ahead of us, we still have loads of fun ( if not more now than then),  and he still smells like salt and minerals, but now I hate it less. I can't help but kiss his forehead and be grateful for this blessing in my life. He stirs and turns the other way. I smile contently and decide to go look for Kyra and maybe take her on a walk or something. It's crazy how much joy you can find in the little everyday things if you just take a second to slow down and really look. Find your joy.

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